Solar Panels-Do They Add Value To Your Home?


People think that adding solar panels adds a lot of value to their home.  It can if the panels are paid for outright.  What many home owners don’t understand is when they put them through the HERO program-they have to pay this off when selling their home.  Many times, the sellers will be stuck paying $30,000-$40,000 out of their proceeds and the buyers end up with the panels.  The sellers end up taking money out of their proceeds of the sale of their home to pay for them.

This is a testimony from a very upset seller who did not realize this:

Well friends, its all done. We FINALLY completed the transaction on our house in San Bernardino California. Gabrielle and I could not be more happy to have it over with. I wanted to update anyone who followed the original message (about the HERO program) that I posted with this photo.

The predatory solar loan offered to us through crooks peddling the HERO program cost a total of over $30K of the proceeds on our house. The program caused us to lose over a dozen offers on the house over months and months of negotiating.

PLEASE PLEASE friends in California, if a person is at your door, coming to sell you solar or windows (or any other offer that is paid for via the HERO program) SLAM IT IN THEIR FACE!!

If you want solar, save your money and buy the panels outright or not at all.”

I agree with this.  I have had so many sellers upset when they find out that the solar panels need to be paid for in full.  Most buyers don’t want to come up with the additional $30,000-$40,000 to buy them.

If I can help you buy or sell, give me a call 951-204-1864.

Looking forward to helping you!  Joan

I am a realtor in the Inland Empire and have almost 30 years combined experience to help you with your real estate needs. I am a certified short sale specialist, have my GRI, my B.A, and CLHMS (Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist) designations all of this combined with my many years of being out in the field I am one of the hardest working agents you will find. I look forward to helping you, so give me a call at 951-204-1864 or send me an email at Looking forward to meeting you!

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